The No Soda Challenge: Week 8

This whole NO soda thing, has become second nature to me. I don't even crave a coke, I don't even want a Diet Dr. Pepper. It has become a lifestyle.
I may not look any different, but I feel different. I think that is all that should matter.
I can take the stairs, and not feel completely out of breathe (even though the stairs to my apartment can be a little tedious).

So, I know I may not have too many followers (even though my goal is to inspire). But here are some tips to stop drinking soda.

1. Cold Turkey Soda.
Today is your last day of drinking soda! tomorrow you are going to go buy additives for your water, find some non carbonated beverages that you like, and perhaps find a way to rekindle that love with water once again.

Here are some good sites to help you find some good things for your water, and other beverages you will like:

Click here for some naturally flavored water tips.
Click here fore some other additives to your water
Don't forget about Crystal Light. Click here for some yummy flavors!!
True Lemon, which has that yummy peach lemonade. Click here!

I am not an avid Ice Tea drinker, I usually find it quite disgusting to be perfectly honest. But I have found that Peach Ice Tea and Peach Green Tea are some of the most refreshing drinks! My brand of preference is Lipton so click here to find out more about it.

There are many other things to add to your water.

Some other things to try are Sobe Mango Melon, or Sobe Green Tea. I have also found reverting back to my childhood and drinking a Capri Suns are pretty decent too.

But I am a fan of the old fashioned, and I like to drink good old ice water a lot of the time.

2. I cannot cold turkey, what is next?

LIMIT YOUR SODA INTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a HUGE thing! A lot of people go through this! Confession: I TOTALLY did this before I decided to do number one (cold turkey).

Dilemma: You drink at least one soda every hour. You cannot get by without your Coca Cola, Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper.

Fix: limit yourself one soda a day. Start with baby steps! Or if this doesn't work, allow a soda in the morning and the one at lunch and then that is it for the day! Even if you cannot cut it out completely, you can still help yourself by stopping it in small amounts. Soon you will find that you can get by without soda.

3. Have a goal with how much water you must drink a day!

I have done this technique as well. (Yes I am this person that has tried EVERYTHING).

I took a mug (about 32 oz) to work, I had to drink the entire thing of water before I had a soda (but I would NOT fill the mug with soda, I only allowed a 12 oz can of soda). Then I would repeat this.

Usually you can find yourself subconsciously not needing soda, because the water is pretty filling. To this day I still try to do this before I can have a flavored non soda drink. It totally helps.

These are the three steps I have for you. You can obviously find more ways, or make your own way. I am one of the laziest people out there, and I have found my way. I know that right now I am not on a diet or an eating plan, but this is what is making me feel good about myself right now.

The next thing I am going to attempt, is to drink low to no calorie drinks. I think this will aid in my success.

Until Next Time!!!


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