Nutrisystem Report - One Week Down

As of March 31, 2017 - I have been on Nutrisystem. The first week was alright - I ate small meals and lots of vegetables. They provided me with the food, all I had to do was buy the veggies. I pooped a lot, lost some pounds and got some energy back. Some days were harder than others, but I got through it. I am on week two of Nutrisystem where I now get to do the actual plan - not the turbo boost week. What do I think of it?

1. You have to buy your own food in addition to the Nutrisystem plan. I find this kind of irritating. Granted I am not paying for the plan - my mom is gracious enough, but it is still annoying.

2. You really have to abide by their grocery lists, and I am still taking my little booklet on the how to around with me. These grocery lists are very much a life saver though.

3. Find a vegetable you like. That is going to save your life!

4. Track - cause that is how you stay on task. And go by the book!

5. The food is alright, I am finding what I like and dislike... which is a bonus.

6. WATER! I tried to drink all 64 oz. of required water. Yesterday I got about 50 ounces. It is hard but refreshing!

In the end, this has been my thought all week:

But I will stick with it, I have improved moods, and I haven't been drinking as much coke. I drink less soda actually and I am finding I do feel better and have acid reflux a lot less. It has only been nearly two weeks, but that is something nice!

Sunday I went to brunch with the family and ate totally off of the plan. I regretted it so much even though the food was delicious, my body hated me - this is the main reason I will stick to it.

We did another month of food to see how it goes, but I think that after two weeks I can go back to either tracking on another app, or perhaps buying it again.

Costco had these great coupons for it - $55.00 for a $100.00 gift card! So mom bought a pack.

Well, I am off now, I wish you all successes in your bettering of your lives.

Until next time.


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