A whole new start!

Especially relevant during finals week

It has been a long time. I am not going to lie. I went off the bandwagon. I started at a new gym a couple months ago, and I have been going, but not as faithfully. Work has been stressful... moving into a new clinic this week, started my masters, trying to find a balance. Let us not forget the dreaded holidays! BUT that is no excuse. I have come to the conclusion that

A) I NEED to lose weight. It is necessary!
B) I MUST find a way to do it quickly to boost me up, then go back to counting calories and living that lifestyle.

The quote I picked for this post is so relevant to this mindset. So here is the plan!

LOW CARB!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is pretty easy to do... and I can eat anything. This is an adaption of the South Beach Diet. (Click here).

I am going to go on this simply because I can lose some weight to make me less discouraged. So I can see what may come. My parents are doing it and I feel like it is just easier. I used to say "I do not care" but now it is time to care...

Step 1: Lose weight
Step 2: Everything will fall into place
Step 3: Kick butt at life!

I will post more frequently and do weekly weigh ins. Just need to decide on a day. I might do Fridays or Tuesdays!

Catch you later!


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