The No Soda Challenge Update 2
Today marks my one week anniversary! I am proud of myself, I haven't committed this long to no soda. I hope that I can keep it up! Things that get me through the day: Water Fruit Punch Crystal Light Fresh Lemon Lime Water Slurpees Smoothies True Lemon/Lime products Let me tell you about a product that I love. I bought it last week and tried it for the first time today. It is True Lemon Peach Lemonade. I haven't had something this delicious in a long time! Tomorrow I cannot wait to try the True Lime Black Cherry Limeade! Where can you get these? Pretty much any grocery store in the punch mix isle by the Crystal Light. How do do I feel? I feel a lot less bloated and icky. I have only dropped one pound, which is good because I haven't been the best on my diet the past couple of days. Where do I see myself in the next week with no soda? To a point of not even wanting the Coke flavored slurpee at the 7-11, and feeling my stomach a little flatter. ...