
Showing posts from August, 2014

Confessions of a Repeat Weight Watchers Attendee

2004-2014 are the years I have tried Weight Watchers a total of THREE TIMES! I am making a goal of no longer rejoining Weight Watchers, but STAYING on it and fulfilling all my weight loss goals. Why have I done it? Well let me tell you why. First Time: Because my family and society wanted me to. Second Time: Because I wanted to and my family wanted me to. Third Time: Because I want to do it, and ONLY for me. It is funny how you mature in things, and when people say "I wish I would have done it when I was your age", it gets to be a little annoying. BUT coming from me and my three attempts - I wish I would have had the dedication and motivation I have now to no soda, Weight Watchers, and exercise - back in high school when I was still under 200 pounds. Weight loss is the epic and never ending story to someone like me, I feel like we can all bond over the simplest of things. Progress with Weight Watchers: As of last week, I am down 4.8 pounds - and I am on my third...